A truly fabulous day indeed. It's supposed to get to 15 degrees c here.. that's 59 degrees f.
I'm so excited about the beautiful herbs I bought in the lovely rock shaped/looking planter.
So there we have lovely Organic Basil, Organic Thyme, Organic Parsley.. you guessed it, Organic Chives! We found some pretty small round pebbles outside the front 'yard'. Really, it's not a yard of grass but a front yard of beautiful little pebbles. The little girl from down the street came over and we all found the most beautiful round little pebbles to assist these lovely herbs in their growing. If there are any really avid gardeners out there please correct me if this is wrong, but I don't think it's wrong. This is going to rest on my counter top in the kitchen.
This is my opening to a really exciting herbology course that I'm starting soon! More on that later.
That's it for now.
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Tammy.. aka Tammy2luvs on twitter.. that addictive little social experiment.
Tammy...Good luck with the herbology course!
You asked me about my twitter badge...I got mine from Timothy Adams on Etsy! here is a link http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=19002766
I love your planter. Can't wait to hear what your learned in herbology. Wish I had time for classes like that, it sounds so interesting.
Ooh please keep us posted on the progress of your herb growing experience, I have wanted to do indoor herbs for a while but need to know its moderately easy because my green thumb is black most of the time lol. Is that pot handmade pottery? Really cool. Good luck with it!!
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