The kittens that we are fostering from Katie's Place, are doing so well but will be leaving our care on October 30 and I feel so sad but also a little like a proud Mom! I’ve really really enjoyed our time and would continue to enjoy our time if it wasn’t time for us to move full speed ahead with our move. These adorable kittens have really taught us some wonderful lessons on letting go. They arrive full of fear and anxiety and they leave craving the gentle hands of people. Within a very short time these sweet young kittens completely let go of any fears they may have of the huge beasts staring at them and making strange sounds. They dissolve any anxiety they may have about those big hands with long claws coming down towards them and whether they like it or not gathering them up. These little kittens so vulnerable and innocent finally release any lasting thoughts that we may bite them with our big teeth as they sigh into your chest trusting that they are safe in the big warm paws cupping them so securely. A worthy replacement for Mom indeed. They go from Mom’s protective kisses to our protective snuggles. I trust these beautiful babies are going to find the most wonderful and loving homes and I thank them for teaching me a little more about letting go. Just simply letting go and walking right through any fears that may hold us back from reaching our ultimate goals.

They have moved from the safety of their little rabbit cage to more space in our larger toy room. When things are calm around the house the door is open and they run around having fun with us all. Schooner and Tug like to run back and forth from the toy room to the kitchen to the living room to the... often anyway but Clipper would rather hang with the people. I do the dishes and she often claws at my leg mewing to be picked up. If I ignore her (and offering a hello is being ignored in Clippers point of view) she’ll be sure to get my attention by digging her claws into my leg a little deeper. Beware if you sit down for the first kitty to claim your lap will be Tug! He’s a snuggly little guy and enjoys a good wrestle with the air in the nest of your crossed legs. Somedays he'll play king of the castle in your lap. Schooner will shy in quietly coming as close as she can without attracting your attention. She’s the lady of ladies and could teach many a kittens some wonderful manners. She’s always cleaning herself up and her brother and sister after a good eat. She never pushes or shoves her way in and waits for her turn patiently.. seeing as she’s the largest of the three she seems to know that there will always be enough to go around.

Last night I snuck into the toy room and one by one they all opened their eyes and each of them staggered over in sleepy kitty fashion. Their tails lifted high in the air and their little motors started their engines. What surprised me the most was little Schooner started her engine for me also! The first time that she shyly pushed against me and allowed herself to completely relax.

Have a wonderful day!
Spread the Love!
What a wonderful experience you had with these kittens. Those are the most adorable photos of such sweet babies and I am sure that they will find a forever home thanks to the love you have showed them.
I know you will treasure your last few days with the little tykes. They are sure to have a wonderful life thanks to the great start they got with you.
They are all so adorable! I am so very glad you stopped by my blog because i lost a ton of blog links somehow and had not added you to my blog roll but now I have you on there and following you as well yea! I love reading here, I always leave with a big smile on my face!
impermanence is a good lesson, but I have too hard a time with it for fostering. I get WAY too attached too quickly♥
What sweeties! They are lucky to have gotten off to such a wonderful start with you.
Aw such cute kittens!
I hope they find good homes. I don't think I could let them go.
What a gift of love you have given these little ones, and they in turn give back. A beautiful cycle that will continue to grow and expand because of your kindness. Beautiful post!
I am in love with Schooner!
I am so excited that they have had such a good start to their lives thanks to you. They are so cute!
What cute little sweeties they are and what a joyous time you have had with them. This is what life is about!
Love your sleeping kittens!
Sandra Evertson
Love your sleeping kittens!
Sandra Evertson
They are so darn cute..
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